Adrienne Lewis
Client Focus Leader / Principal, Public Safety
In middle school, Adrienne was hired to make tissue box covers for model homes. The developer was particular and wanted several options to choose from, but his strong aesthetic sensibility sparked her interest in design. Attending a high school that felt like a prison pushed her toward an education specialty. With a passion for service and security, she loves public work for the opportunity it provides to empower whole communities.
Adrienne helps run the Phoenix office with an emphasis on quality control and relationship building. Through her vision and determination, she grows and strengthens the firm. Her strategy is to not only do excellent work, but to do the right thing. By incorporating sustainable principles, she helps create healthier spaces and happier people. As a leader, she provides a voice for women and minorities. She fosters an environment where staff are excited to come to work and clients are eager to work with us.
Mentorship offers a chance to acquire new knowledge while she shares her own. Eager to nurture the next generation, Adrienne is a proud mother and now grandmother. A voracious reader and true crime buff, she usually gets through four or five books a week.