C. Barry Taylor
Client Focus Leader / Principal
In the third grade, Barry read The Great Brain, a book series about brothers where the oldest grows up to be an architect. The main character was able to solve mysteries by paying attention to small details that others ignored. Now an architect himself, Barry applies that same perceptive eye to projects spanning retail developments and college masterplans.
He oversees design coordination for all our Texas operations and regionally. With ample design experience, he skillfully integrates a project’s technical and community aspects. Having begun his career during a recession, Barry brings a frugal, disciplined approach to strategic planning. As a mentor, he offers guidance to younger staff without dictating the outcome.
He knows this line of work is not about instant gratification. At the culmination of a long project, he is fulfilled by seeing the owner realize the vision he’s been steadily working toward for years. When he’s not at the office, Barry enjoys playing golf and working on cars.