Scaling up student success
UNM Collaborative Teaching + Learning Building (CTLB)
Serving multiple departments at the University of New Mexico, the Collaborative Teaching and Learning Building (CTLB) provides versatile, computer-based classrooms designed to provide flexibility of curriculum. The CTLB contains a series of classroom and seminar spaces designed for groups as small as 2-3 students to large classes of 126. It also provides a variety of areas for informal student and teacher gathering – areas that allow learning beyond the structured settings of the classrooms.
This project is built on a site in the center of UNM's central campus and is essentially an in-fill building. Because of the small site and UNM's desire to increase the density of the central campus, the building is stacked into a three-story arrangement leaving an adjacent area for a future horizontal expansion.
Innovative classroom spaces in the building are technology rich. One classroom is designed as a SCALE-UP classroom (Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Programs), modeled on similar facilities at North Carolina State University and MIT. Designed for 126 students, this technology-rich classroom changes the way teaching occurs for large groups of students, replacing lecture halls and allowing students to collaborate in small groups on project-based curricula. Additionally the building provides a variety of study spaces that, along with innovative classroom models, accommodate varying learning styles.
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
10,001-25,000 sf
Beyond the Building
- Building Performance
- Community Benefit
- Experience Redefined
- Mission Support
- Organizational Culture
- Rightsizing
- Sustainability
- Technology Modernization