Connecting campus and community
UNM Masterplan Update
Dekker assisted the University of New Mexico (UNM) with an update to their masterplan, which was essentially a new masterplan. The new plan addresses the entire campus, from the Health Science Center on the North Campus to the Athletic Complex on the South Campus. Dekker conducted extensive outreach to solicit input on the plan, speaking with UNM faculty, hosting open houses geared towards students, and holding numerous meetings with neighborhood associations.
Given the ambitious nature of creating a plan that addresses the entire campus, the project team worked with a Steering Committee to identify elements that distinguish each section of the campus and features that tie together the North, Central, and South campuses. Ultimately, the Regents unanimously approved the new masterplan.
The plan delineates land uses and proposes new circulation, parking, and sites for expansion. Recognizing the distance between the campuses, and nature of the roadways segmenting the campus, transportation and parking became a central issue in the planning process. The masterplan proposes a range of options, including better transit, bicycle, and consolidated parking zones.
Since completion of the masterplan, several strategic projects have been built, including new parking garages, on-campus housing, and new classrooms. The masterplan continues to be a tool that helps the University make site location and design decisions that reinforce the long term goals of the University.
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Beyond the Building
- Community Benefit
- Experience Redefined
- Sustainability
- Wellness