Creating modern learning environments for student success
El Paso ISD Irvin High School
In collaboration with El Paso Independent School District, we designed a renovation and replacement of Irvin High School. The innovative new design transforms an outdated campus composed of 10 buildings, portables, assorted athletic facilities, and site amenities into a modern high school.
Creating a dynamic and stimulating learning environment was a key element for the project, which completed in 2022. The campus aides in student success and positive outcomes. The layout and design unifies various facilities while providing safe, outdoor learning environments that are easy to access and seamlessly interact with indoor spaces. The design supports the transition to an academy-based educational model with four academies, a target population of 1600 students, and 21st century learning spaces that encourage project-based learning.
Before & After:
"This newly transformed 1950’s era campus will provide safe, efficient and comfortable learning environments that will increase learning outcomes at Irvin High School for decades," - Matt McKim, Design Leader/Principal

The site design improves a number of aspects on the campus: access and circulation for both people and cars, safety and security, and floodplain and drainage. It also provides outdoors areas for gathering and learning together.
Through careful planning, the new campus was constructed with minimal disturbances to students and staff. The school remained fully operational without the need for moving existing portables or temporary addition of new ones.
Beyond the Building
- Extreme Makeover
- Modern Learning Environments
- Positive Outcomes
- Renovation
- Student Success
- Sustainability